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Climate Change

Climate change affects us all: our health, our livelihoods, our hope for the future.

Shaklee has taken consistent steps to reduce our climate impacts and help find solutions to the climate crisis. It's one of the ways we work toward a better future.

Shaklee Corporation is the first certified Climate Neutral company in the world, having earned that distinction back in the relative "dark ages" of voluntary corporate climate action in 2000. In our ongoing efforts to minimize our negative impacts and maximize our positive impacts, Shaklee purchases 100% renewable energy, renewable energy credits, and greenhouse gas emissions offsets for worldwide activities.

Shaklee fighting climate change

Given the increasingly rapid rate of climate change, and understanding that these changes are taking place more quickly than the best science predicted, Shaklee has aligned its vision for a better future with its day-to-day and long-term business activities.

Shaklee's 2022 Carbon Neutral Protocol

Shaklee is carbon neutral. The greenhouse gas inventory for 2021 covering all Shaklee operations worldwide including the US, Canada, Japan, China, Malaysia, and Taiwan was reviewed by a third party, WSP Global, in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for all six Kyoto-defined greenhouse gases. Shaklee set operational boundaries for the inventory of its worldwide greenhouse gas emissions and calculated the carbon footprint from Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. The total amount of Shaklee's greenhouse gas emissions from worldwide operations in 2021 was measured and converted to metric tons of CO2 equivalent. Shaklee has partnered with 3Degrees to offset its carbon footprint in North America and Asia with renewable energy credits and carbon offsets. The projects include Green-e (and equivalent) certified renewable energy credits and Verra (formerly Verified Carbon Standard) carbon offsets.