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Last updated August 23, 2022

Terms and Conditions

Membership Requirements

You must be at least 18 years of age and reside in Canada. Members may sign up individually or jointly with a spouse. Spouses may not have separate memberships. No additional purchase is necessary, and you are not required to make any financial investment to become a Member. Please notify Shaklee of any change in street or e-mail address or telephone number.

ID Number
You will be issued a unique Shaklee ID number that should be used for all communication with Shaklee.

Membership Privileges
Acceptance of this application by Shaklee allows you to purchase Shaklee products at Preferred Member pricing directly from Shaklee or from your Sponsor or Business Leader. Members are not eligible to sell products or to receive bonuses or other compensation.

Annual Renewal
Shaklee membership requires an annual renewal. However, Shaklee may from time to time suspend or waive the requirement to renew. Currently, Shaklee Membership renewal has been suspended.

Privacy and Security Policy
Shaklee Canada Inc. ("Shaklee," "we," or "our") is strongly committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information and the security of the computer systems on which this site operates. We strive to remain in compliance with applicable laws and industry standards. Detailed information about our privacy and security procedures can be found here.

Loyalty Orders Terms

Note: you may change or cancel your Loyalty Orders subscription at any time by visiting or calling 1-888-5SHAKLE (1-888-574-2553).

By selecting Loyalty Orders, you authorize Shaklee to ship the items indicated on this order and items on any supplemental orders or change/modification orders, which are incorporated herein by reference, or as otherwise requested by you or on your behalf, ON A RECURRING MONTHLY BASIS, and to charge this credit card account the current price at the time of shipment. You understand that THIS SERVICE IS CONTINUOUS and that these orders will continue to be shipped to you on a monthly basis and that you are obligated to pay for them until you cancel or modify your order. Based on your selection, the amount charged may change. You will be charged each month, and such charge will continue until you cancel or modify your order. Loyalty Orders ship Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Shaklee reserves the right to cancel this order at any time.

Ambassador Requirements

You must be at least 18 years of age and reside in Canada. The application may be provided online or by phone, fax, or mail. If provided online or by phone, the application must be received by Shaklee by fax, mail, or scan and e-mail within 30 days. Spouses may not have separate ambassadorships. Please notify Shaklee of any change in your street or e-mail address or telephone number. Acceptance of this application by Shaklee allows you to purchase and sell Shaklee products and earn bonuses.

The Statement of Privileges and Responsibilities of Shaklee Family Members (P&R)
The P&R, as amended from time to time, is incorporated in this agreement. It is the official document government the relationship between Shaklee Family Members and Shaklee Canada Inc. You can read the P&R, including the Mutual Agreement to Arbitrate Claims, here. Please review it carefully with your Sponsor or Business Leader. Because the P&R sets the foundation for how we do business, if a Shaklee Ambassador does not follow it, he or she may be subject to remedies for breach of contract, including termination of his or her ambassadorship.

ID Number
You will be issued a unique Shaklee ID number that should be used for all communications with Shaklee.

Ambassadors May Sponsor Others and Earn Bonuses
You may sponsor others and have sponsorship rights with respect to their downlines, as described in the P&R. You understand that your name and contact information will be shared with Shaklee Ambassadors and Business Leaders who are part of your direct sponsorship lineage and on whose commission statement you appear.

Distributing Products
Because Shaklee is committed to the direct-selling business model, Shaklee Ambassadors may not distribute Shaklee products directly or indirectly to or from retail stores or Internet auction sites. They also may not distribute products to Members or Ambassadors outside their Personal Group.

You Can Build a Business
Shaklee publishes an authorized Compensation Plan, which outlines the benefits and requirements of a Shaklee business. Information on how to build a Shaklee business is available from your Sponsor and/or Business Leader.

Independent Contractor Status
Shaklee Ambassadors are Independent Contractors. Shaklee Ambassadors are not employees or agents of Shaklee or of any Shaklee Ambassadorship and may not so represent. Shaklee is not an agent or fiduciary of any Shaklee Ambassador or Ambassadorship. Shaklee Ambassadors will not be treated as employees of Shaklee for federal or provincial tax purposes and will be responsible for payment of any self-employment or other income taxes. Shaklee Ambassadors will not be treated as employees of Shaklee for purposes of any laws covering employees.

Unauthorized Claims
Shaklee Ambassadors may not make claims about Shaklee products or the Shaklee Compensation Plan that are contrary to literature and labels published by Shaklee.

Direct Deposit
For the most environment-friendly combination of choices, make sure you are also on Direct Deposit of your bonus cheque and save the resources associated with printing and mailing a paper cheque. The quickest way is to do this online at After logging in, click on the My Business tab, then click on “Me.” Scroll down to the “Income” section” and click on “Set up” (under “Direct Deposit”). In the three fields under “Enter your bank information,” key in your bank’s routing number (which is the institution number PLUS the branch number – see the online example provided), your bank account number, and your bank’s name. Then, accept Shaklee’s Direct Deposit Agreement by checking the box and press the SAVE button.
Alternately, you can complete the EFT/DD form and mail or fax it to Home Office with a copy of a voided cheque.

Online Statements
Your statement will be provided monthly online. If you would prefer to have your statement mailed to you, please call 1-888-5SHAKLE (1-888-574-2553) to request a paper statement.

Annual Renewal
Shaklee membership requires an annual renewal. However, Shaklee may from time to time suspend or waive the requirement to renew. Currently, Shaklee Membership renewal has been suspended.

Privacy and Security Policy
Shaklee Canada Inc. ("Shaklee," "we," or "our") is strongly committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information and the security of the computer systems on which this site operates. We strive to remain in compliance with applicable laws and industry standards. Detailed information about our privacy and security procedures can be found here.

Loyalty Orders Terms

Note: you may change or cancel your Loyalty Orders subscription at any time by visiting or calling 1-888-5SHAKLE (1-888-574-2553).

By selecting Loyalty Orders, you authorize Shaklee to ship the items indicated on this order and items on any supplemental orders or change/modification orders, which are incorporated herein by reference, or as otherwise requested by you or on your behalf, ON A RECURRING MONTHLY BASIS, and to charge this credit card account the current price at the time of shipment. You understand that THIS SERVICE IS CONTINUOUS and that these orders will continue to be shipped to you on a monthly basis and that you are obligated to pay for them until you cancel or modify your order. Based on your selection, the amount charged may change. You will be charged each month, and such charge will continue until you cancel or modify your order. Loyalty Orders ship Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Shaklee reserves the right to cancel this order at any time.