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Carolyn Wightman
Welcome to "BarefootPossibilities." With decades of product and business experience with these magnificent products and philosophy, we're committed to creating more generations to carry on the first @70 years of this heritage. Holistic Wellness to thrive healthwise. Financial choices with Wellness for the. And a uniquely non-judgmental leadership community that supports our shared objectives. We'd love to chat. And we''ll be honored if you choose to join us. This crazy world needs what we offer
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Carolyn Wightman

Shaklee 180 Healthy Eating

A simple program for you – including tasty shakes and healthy dinner recipes to help you reach your goal.

The clinically proven program is SIMPLE to follow.
Here's how:















Meal Plans

Set the amount of weight you want to lose (a BMI chart can be a helpful reference). Next, based on your current weight, find the calorie level that's right for you on the chart below.

The right calorie level should promote a slow, safe rate of weight loss (1 to 2 pounds per week) and provide enough calories to control hunger and leave you feeling satisfied. The following meal plans can help you stay on target for your specific calorie goal.

Click on your current weight range below to get your meal plan.

Your Weight (lbs) Your Calorie Level
Up to 150 table arrow 1,200
151–200 table arrow 1,500
201–250 table arrow 1,800
251+ table arrow 2,100
Meal Plans

Shaklee Shake Recipes

Shake Recipes

How to make a delicious, healthy shake every time?

Starting with 130 calories per serving, it's easy to mix your favourite Life Shake™ with your choice of milk or water, customize with your favourite ingredients, and still meet your calorie goals.

Here are some perfect add-ons:

  • 1 scoop Organic Greens Booster (10 calories)
  • 1/4 avocado (80 calories)
  • 1 tbsp. almond butter (98 calories)
  • 1/2 cup strawberries (49 calories)
  • 1/2 cup non-fat yogurt (85 calories)
  • 1/2 banana (52 calories)
  • 1 tbsp. peanut butter (90 calories)
  • 1 cup blueberries (85 calories)
  • Extracts: vanilla, peppermint, etc. (10–15 calories)

Dinner Recipes: What a Healthy Meal Looks Like

½ to 1 cup whole grains:

  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Whole grain or gluten-free pasta

4–6 ounces protein:

  • Free-range chicken or pork
  • Wild-caught salmon
  • Tofu
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Beans and legumes

Unlimited veggies:

  • Focus on colourful options: a lot of greens, reds, and oranges. Fill at least half your plate.

Pick a healthy fat:

  • 1–2 tbsp olive oil or olive oil–based dressing
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/8 cup shredded cheese
Shaklee Dinner Recipes


Shaklee 180 Metabolic Boost

Metabolic Boost
Helps burn calories naturally

Shaklee 180 Meal-in-a-bar

Shaklee 180® Meal-in-a-Bar
A convenient meal in your pocket

Shaklee 180® Snack Bar

Shaklee 180® Snack Bar
A sweet, guilt-free treat