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Your Wellness Ambassador
Carolyn Wightman
Welcome to "BarefootPossibilities." With decades of product and business experience with these magnificent products and philosophy, we're committed to creating more generations to carry on the first @70 years of this heritage. Holistic Wellness to thrive healthwise. Financial choices with Wellness for the. And a uniquely non-judgmental leadership community that supports our shared objectives. We'd love to chat. And we''ll be honored if you choose to join us. This crazy world needs what we offer
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Carolyn Wightman

Committed to Your Satisfaction and Success

At Shaklee, we're committed to the 100% satisfaction of those who purchase and share our products. Moreover, we're guided by the highest ethical principles ever since our founder, Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee, established our company on the philosophy of the Golden Rule more than 60 years ago.

Shaklee is a member of the Direct Sellers Association of Canada (DSA) and, as such, Shaklee and Shaklee Ambassadors are required to abide by the requirements of the DSA Code of Ethics. Adhering to this code is one way to put the Shaklee philosophy into practice. Shaklee and our Ambassadors walk the talk by making the commitment to practise the highest standards in business ethics. Since our history is built on ethics and integrity, it's easy to do because it's how we've operated for more than 40 years in Canada.

If you have any questions about our products, our income opportunity, or an experience you've had with our company, let us know! We want to make it right.

Contact us at for questions related to our products or income opportunity or for questions or concerns related to the business practices of a Shaklee Ambassador.

If you're dissatisfied with the resolution of any complaint or concern, please visit the DSA site to file a code complaint.