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Your Wellness Ambassador
Kaycee - Mike Farrell
Hello! I'm your Wellness Ambassador, here to support you on your journey to true wellness. Unsure where to start? No worries, I'll guide you every step of the way. Health is personal, and I can help you find the products you need to live the life you want.
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Kaycee - Mike Farrell

Refund and Return Policy

Shaklee Canada Inc. will accept returns under the Shaklee Guarantee when the products were purchased directly from Shaklee. A refund will be issued for the full amount paid less shipping, which the customer is responsible for. Customers can return items by completing the following process:

  • Call 1-800-263-6674
  • Receive appropriate return instructions from the Shaklee Agent
  • Ship product via carrier of choice to:
    Shaklee Canada Inc.
    529 Michigan Drive, Unit 700
    Oakville, ON L6L 0G4

When a customer purchases from the inventory of a Shaklee Ambassador, the Ambassador must honour the Shaklee Guarantee by providing an immediate refund (or exchange) on sales of personal use quantities (unit sales) to a consumer who is dissatisfied with the products. A refund will be issued for the full amount paid less shipping, which the customer is responsible for.

Shaklee Ambassadors should refund the full purchase price to their customers before obtaining reimbursement of the price they paid from Shaklee. Shaklee will process returns under the Shaklee Guarantee, provided that Ambassadors submit a Product Experience Report (PER) by mail. Applicable Price Differential and Point Value (PV) will be reversed and deducted from the Ambassador and may be reversed and deducted from the uplines of record, making the transaction revenue neutral for all parties.

If the purchase price of the returned products is greater than $100, the products must be returned to Shaklee before credit is issued. A Product Return Authorization (PRA) number must be obtained from Shaklee for these returns, and the customer is responsible for paying the shipping cost on the return.

Note: the Shaklee Guarantee does not apply to product purchased for resale; see Inventory Returns, below. Water Treatment units are covered by a 60-day guarantee and certain warranties rather than by the Shaklee Guarantee.


Inventory Returns

To obtain refunds for inventory returns (as opposed to consumer refunds under the Shaklee Guarantee), Shaklee Ambassadors must resign their Ambassadorships. Inventory returns consist of products purchased for resale or in quantities that could be construed to be greater than an individual or individual family could be reasonably expected to consume. In addition, returns of Business Boosters, as well as Business Starter Kits, are considered inventory return for purposes of this policy. The Company will accept returns of product inventory as long as the products:

  • Are in good, saleable condition. Products for return must not be past their expiration dates, if applicable, or the shelf life of the products. They must have been purchased less than one (1) year before the date of return.
  • Are unopened, with seals and labels intact, except in the case of Business Boosters and Business Starter Kits. The product contained in the Business Boosters and Business Starter Kits must be unopened, with seals and labels intact.
  • Show a printed expiration date on the label (if applicable) that is three (3) or more months after the date of return. Ambassadors who return less than all their inventory may request in writing that Shaklee permit them to remain as Ambassadors. The Ambassador's request must contain the reasons why the Ambassador is returning the product. Shaklee will, in reaching its decision, take into account:
    • The product return indicates the participant's intention to not continue in the compensation plan;
    • The participant returns substantially all the product on hand, or
    • The product return constitutes an abuse of the return policy (e.g., if a participant returns product with excessive frequency, or if the circumstances of a return suggest that the product was purchased with an intention to return it after qualifying for bonus compensation).

If Shaklee determines that the Ambassador must resign his or her Ambassadorship, Shaklee will advise the Ambassador and accept the remaining inventory of the Ambassador if it is returned to the Business Leader of record within 30 days, and the Business Leader of record will make the refund within 30 days after Shaklee acknowledges the resignation.

The resigning Ambassador is responsible for the cost of shipping the returned products to Shaklee.

Shaklee will deduct from the refund the bonuses paid to the resigned Ambassador on the returned inventory, as well as a 10% handling charge. Shaklee reserves the right to recapture bonuses and Price Differential from the upline Shaklee Ambassadors and Business Leaders who were paid those bonuses on the products returned. In the case of the Ready Set Wellness Bundle, Shaklee will recapture all bonuses from the upline Shaklee Ambassadors and Business Leaders who were paid those bonuses on the returned Bundle.