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Your Wellness Ambassador
Introducing the new and improved Andre: a refreshed, rejuvenated version of myself, I am ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a better me. Picture this: Andre, the epitome of confidence and style, radiating an irresistible aura of self-assurance. Andre's reinvention begins with a commitment to self-care and nourishment, starting from within. By adopting a holistic approach to wellness, Andre embraces a lifestyle focused on clean eating, regular exercise, and a positive mindset.
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Beyond Organic

Beyond Organic

Beyond Organic is our philosophy that Shaklee quality standards go beyond how and where an ingredient is grown. We look to confirm the purity and potency of ingredients AFTER harvest to guarantee that the final finished product is free of hundreds of chemical contaminants.

Shaklee US Standards


USP standards

We screen for more than 350 contaminants, pesticides, and impurities on every new botanical ingredient – three times more than U.S. Pharmacopeia standards.


Quality Tests

More than 100,000 quality tests conducted per year to ensure our products are pure.

Shaklee Quality Tests

Shaklee goes Beyond Organic

Why Does Shaklee Go

Beyond Organic?

While we encourage all consumers to purchase organic produce and ingredients, it's important to remember that organic is a means of production; it's not a guarantee that the food is clean and free of chemical contaminants. Pesticides and herbicides – even when safely applied – can run off into unintended areas and farmland.

That's why our approach is to work with the finest suppliers and to go above and beyond to verify the safety, purity, and potency of the ingredients we use after harvest.

The safety of you and your family is our highest concern. And our Beyond Organic program guarantees the highest standards of safety.